sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013


De sul para norte. Do indigo das roupas tradicionais tuaregues para os vidros, a que Carsten Bennerstal dá este tom.

A cor tem origem numa planta (Indigofera tinctoria). É à volta dela que gira o poema do sino-americano Li-Young Lee:

It's late. I've come
to find the flower which blossoms
like a saint dying upside down.
The rose won't do, nor the iris.
I've come to find the moody one, the shy one,
downcast, grave, and isolated.
Now, blackness gathers in the grass,
and I am on my hands and knees.
What is its name?

Little sister, my indigo,

my secret, vaginal and sweet,
you unfurl yourself shamelessly
toward the ground. You burn. You live
a while in two worlds
at once.

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